Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Friendly Mushroom!

 Hello stalkers, friends, and various other people! Sorry that I have not posted in more than a month, I had absolutely NOTHING in my mind to blog about.  So, as I might have said in an earlier post, I have a creepy stalker in gym. I have been doing my best to avoid , so far its working, but if it comes to me creeping him out, I WILL! I have a plan, if he comes running up to me in gym screaming," SARAH! Wait up!" I am going to slow down, wait for him to catch up, and then go," It's a.... giant  mushroom. Maybe it friendly! Friendly mushroom.Wooshi mooshi friendly mushroom!" and wave my arms like a drugged person. I think that might work. And as for my relationships, it is going nice. Tatarin is treating me with utmost kindness, Kim will go to any extent to get me if I become single again, AI still loves me with all his heart too, and I just am plain confused. Why in the WORLD would anyone love me? I'm not worthy. I can understand friends, just not relationship wise . And about Kim, She is actually AI's twin, not Tatarin's sister. By the way, if you have any questions just comment below.

           What was your first pet?
            What was its name?