Monday, January 31, 2011


O.K. so apparently I'm supposed to have a Winter storm heading my way and I am not so sure that my school will close! I mean, if we had a BLIZZARD  they still probably wouldn't cancel school. What's up with that?! Other than that, I have had a weird day at school. 1. Got hit in the head with a marker. 2. Almost everyone at my school that are usually ignoring me, complement on my sweater even though I know they are mocking me! 3.I had a difficult time at gym,because  a. i had cramps, b. I could hardly breath, c. I felt like I was going to throw up! Though after my pains went away , my gym class played DDR. 4.Had a free day in Computers class. 5. Like always, my social studies ( History) class teacher was talking until the bell rang  when we were supposed to be giving oral presentations on the Confucius sayings. 6. My bus driver, Mrs.Clark, said, " Hi, Sarah.", and then she said to my friend " No Sarah? Where is she?".  and my friend said " She is right behind you. See?" LOL!  Fail on my bus drivers part. That's all that happened today at school. Anyway, I am 99.999999999999% sure my school wants us kids to suffer! One day , it was -25 degrees Fahrenheit with a -5 degree wind chill, THEY STILL DIDN'T CLOSE!!! Not fair!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mondays.... always fun....

O.K. so on Saturday i spent the night at my friends house. We played Rock Band. I was the singer and she was the guitarist. But one song I hate on there is "So Whatcha Want" . GOODNESS! It only has two awsome parts. " Yeah_____  You can't front on that." and " So what cha want cha what cha want?"  BLARG!!  I dispise rap with a " cut your head of with a toothbrush" kind of way. And the worst part is that my friend wont stop nagging me about it lol. ANYWAYS!!!! During RockBand her sister came home  and i took a break to do a pokemon battle. I hit my spine on the corner of a couch. OUCH!!! Not the funnest thing in the world. Anyways, my mom is making me go to bed now. BYE!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New at this.

Hey all. Most of you that know me call me a weirdo, and their correct. Basicaly I'm going to be slow on what to blog about.  I guess I could blog about that there is a menos grande in my desktop. Who knows... ANYWAY!!! To my friends I'm Sarah, to anyone else, I'm the super awsome weirdo in your closet!