Monday, January 31, 2011


O.K. so apparently I'm supposed to have a Winter storm heading my way and I am not so sure that my school will close! I mean, if we had a BLIZZARD  they still probably wouldn't cancel school. What's up with that?! Other than that, I have had a weird day at school. 1. Got hit in the head with a marker. 2. Almost everyone at my school that are usually ignoring me, complement on my sweater even though I know they are mocking me! 3.I had a difficult time at gym,because  a. i had cramps, b. I could hardly breath, c. I felt like I was going to throw up! Though after my pains went away , my gym class played DDR. 4.Had a free day in Computers class. 5. Like always, my social studies ( History) class teacher was talking until the bell rang  when we were supposed to be giving oral presentations on the Confucius sayings. 6. My bus driver, Mrs.Clark, said, " Hi, Sarah.", and then she said to my friend " No Sarah? Where is she?".  and my friend said " She is right behind you. See?" LOL!  Fail on my bus drivers part. That's all that happened today at school. Anyway, I am 99.999999999999% sure my school wants us kids to suffer! One day , it was -25 degrees Fahrenheit with a -5 degree wind chill, THEY STILL DIDN'T CLOSE!!! Not fair!


  1. Well, teehee they closed for 2 1/2 days! I'll be darned! Goll-eee!

  2. Dude, I don't think it has been -25 degrees recently.
