Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer. Woot!

Schoooool's out for summer. Schooooool's out for ever. Woohoo! Summer , the time of R&R with some fun right? So far mine has been boring. I tryed to plan a pick-nick , that didn't work. I try to see who is avaible to play, rarely someone is able to play. Try to get the pool up, mom keeps delaying it. What is wrong in this picture?! Arg :(. Though, some of this summer has been fun. I learned how to ride a Moped in 10 minutes. Went fishing and got a sunburn, also almost caught a water snake, and now my shoulders are peeling from the sunburn. I might go cannooing. I might go to Cedar Point. I am going to a camp on June 20-23. WOO!

How has your summer been?
What do you plan on doing?
Favorite summer activity?


  1. 1) June 20-24
    2) I've been on vacation, or you know I'd have played with you a dozen times by now.

  2. Meh.
    Canoeing, though I've only gotten to do that twice in my life...
    (I like answering questions)
