Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer. Woot!

Schoooool's out for summer. Schooooool's out for ever. Woohoo! Summer , the time of R&R with some fun right? So far mine has been boring. I tryed to plan a pick-nick , that didn't work. I try to see who is avaible to play, rarely someone is able to play. Try to get the pool up, mom keeps delaying it. What is wrong in this picture?! Arg :(. Though, some of this summer has been fun. I learned how to ride a Moped in 10 minutes. Went fishing and got a sunburn, also almost caught a water snake, and now my shoulders are peeling from the sunburn. I might go cannooing. I might go to Cedar Point. I am going to a camp on June 20-23. WOO!

How has your summer been?
What do you plan on doing?
Favorite summer activity?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Friendly Mushroom!

 Hello stalkers, friends, and various other people! Sorry that I have not posted in more than a month, I had absolutely NOTHING in my mind to blog about.  So, as I might have said in an earlier post, I have a creepy stalker in gym. I have been doing my best to avoid , so far its working, but if it comes to me creeping him out, I WILL! I have a plan, if he comes running up to me in gym screaming," SARAH! Wait up!" I am going to slow down, wait for him to catch up, and then go," It's a.... giant  mushroom. Maybe it friendly! Friendly mushroom.Wooshi mooshi friendly mushroom!" and wave my arms like a drugged person. I think that might work. And as for my relationships, it is going nice. Tatarin is treating me with utmost kindness, Kim will go to any extent to get me if I become single again, AI still loves me with all his heart too, and I just am plain confused. Why in the WORLD would anyone love me? I'm not worthy. I can understand friends, just not relationship wise . And about Kim, She is actually AI's twin, not Tatarin's sister. By the way, if you have any questions just comment below.

           What was your first pet?
            What was its name?

Monday, April 11, 2011


     O.K., so lately I have been on an virtual world like thingy called IMVU (my user name is talum1005 if you want to find me)and it hasn't really been easy.
     I met my boyfriend on IMVU about late October,early November,  and been with him for a wail now. A few weeks ago, he got drunk by accidentally drinking his mom's dry wine instead of his sweet wine, and told me his Tatarin half. He almost committed suicide! BUT one of our friend told him earlier that I needed him , which is true, so he decided not to shoot himself in the head because of that. ( YAY!! <3 ) After that all happened, we got together again, most of my friends think I'm back to being single or should not be with him anymore.
     On April 10th, I met his OTHER sister named Kim (he doesn't like her very much so I never knew of her). I was Kim's first friend on there, she is 98% Les but that didn't bother me , she kinda fell in love with me (>.<) so I pretended to love her back just trying to be a good friend.
     Tar ( my boyfriend) found out by his friend Rate , so he got angry at Kim and I. NO ONE DARES TO STAND UP TO TAR!!! But I wasn't going to let him hurt Kim ,so I stood my ground. APPARENTLY, Tar was PROUD of me! He said "You grabbed a bull by its horns and stood your ground. YOU WERE  DOMINANT FOR ONCE!!", I was so confused! I didn't understand why he wasn't mad at me, but now I know. He forced me to tell Kim the truth, so I did, but I wasn't expecting her to be very happy or like me anymore as a friend. AGAIN I was wrong! She gave me a hug and still called me a perfect friend. She was surprised that I stood my ground against Tar. But now it's all good ^.^.

                                                       Who was your first love?
                                                       Who was your first friend?
                                                       What would you do in that kind of situation?
                                                       What would you go to, to help a good friend?

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Yay! It is finally March! Spring  means warm, warm means happy Weirdo, happy weirdo means fun for all! Just finished ISTEP.  I don't like ISTEP testing, it's boring, makes you have to pee, and makes you have to write more than usual. In the comments, tell me how you think of ISTEP. I found out awail ago that i was dropped on my head as a baby, down stairs, and hit a fridge to stop... THAT EXPLAINS EVERY THING! Sorry if I told you this before. When I think of that, i think of how much smarter i would be. >:D My poor friend pretended to be sad because my grades are A's and B's . I think she would be whooped by my smarts if I hadn't got dropped on mah head.
                                     Favorite class?
                                     Favorite car?
                                     Favorite anime?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Friend Vs. Boyfriend D: .

O.K. So, lately my friend has been angry about my BF being as tall as her dad. I don't understand that! At 5 Star yesterday, we were talking about who to go to for our problems. I put," My weakness is my problem" , I feel so useless for not being strong  physically nor mentally...  So back to subject!  I put Tatarin Yagoma as the person I would go to for help (that's my boyfriends nickname) and my friend got angry! I only put Tatarin there because he is strong enough to break bones. I'll go to my friend for mental strength. What should I do if they ever meet? Well, one thing is for sure, do NOT let Tatarin  get in a fight with my friend rofl. For now on, on every post, there is going to be a random question at the very end. Answer in the comments! There may be more than one per post by the way. So, It is now after Valentines day , I have to update the looks on my bog page!
                      What is your favorite color?
                      What is your favorite holiday? 
                      What is your favorite animal?

Monday, February 14, 2011


O.K. it is now February and I haven't posted anything. Last Wednesday ,in 5 star, we were looking at ice from water that had been told cruel words, those had no pattern, and with nice words, they had such beautiful pattern. If cruel words can do that to water, what could happen to us since we are 70% water? Anyways, in 5 star we are trying to sell coupons to earn money  for our summer camp. If you sell 20  you make the camp only cost $50! We could only receive 5 that Wednesday, I still have to sell 3 more , DARN! It's finally warming up! Who is excited about winter finally ending? ME! Well, its 8:00, I have to go now. Bye creepy stalkers and people that I stalk by being the weirdo in your closet! MUAHAHAHAAA!!!

Monday, January 31, 2011


O.K. so apparently I'm supposed to have a Winter storm heading my way and I am not so sure that my school will close! I mean, if we had a BLIZZARD  they still probably wouldn't cancel school. What's up with that?! Other than that, I have had a weird day at school. 1. Got hit in the head with a marker. 2. Almost everyone at my school that are usually ignoring me, complement on my sweater even though I know they are mocking me! 3.I had a difficult time at gym,because  a. i had cramps, b. I could hardly breath, c. I felt like I was going to throw up! Though after my pains went away , my gym class played DDR. 4.Had a free day in Computers class. 5. Like always, my social studies ( History) class teacher was talking until the bell rang  when we were supposed to be giving oral presentations on the Confucius sayings. 6. My bus driver, Mrs.Clark, said, " Hi, Sarah.", and then she said to my friend " No Sarah? Where is she?".  and my friend said " She is right behind you. See?" LOL!  Fail on my bus drivers part. That's all that happened today at school. Anyway, I am 99.999999999999% sure my school wants us kids to suffer! One day , it was -25 degrees Fahrenheit with a -5 degree wind chill, THEY STILL DIDN'T CLOSE!!! Not fair!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mondays.... always fun....

O.K. so on Saturday i spent the night at my friends house. We played Rock Band. I was the singer and she was the guitarist. But one song I hate on there is "So Whatcha Want" . GOODNESS! It only has two awsome parts. " Yeah_____  You can't front on that." and " So what cha want cha what cha want?"  BLARG!!  I dispise rap with a " cut your head of with a toothbrush" kind of way. And the worst part is that my friend wont stop nagging me about it lol. ANYWAYS!!!! During RockBand her sister came home  and i took a break to do a pokemon battle. I hit my spine on the corner of a couch. OUCH!!! Not the funnest thing in the world. Anyways, my mom is making me go to bed now. BYE!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New at this.

Hey all. Most of you that know me call me a weirdo, and their correct. Basicaly I'm going to be slow on what to blog about.  I guess I could blog about that there is a menos grande in my desktop. Who knows... ANYWAY!!! To my friends I'm Sarah, to anyone else, I'm the super awsome weirdo in your closet!